SharePoint, Teams & OneDrive Intelligence

Gain insight into what is happening across your Microsoft 365 collaboration environment like never before. TELLEC Docs gives you an in-depth view of your content landscape.


The Microsoft 365 platform is a powerful and complex tool. It’s easy to create and store documents. TELLEC Docs gives you a birds-eye view of the platform. 


See where people are storing content in Microsoft 365. Implement better storage & content governance by having full visibility across SharePoint, Teams & OneDrive.


Get true insight into the type of content, the creators, departments, and file types. And easily model archiving scenarios to reduce your storage costs.


Monitor how individuals and departments are working in Microsoft 365. Find your champions, content browsers and those storing large amounts of unused content.


Internal and external sharing presents challenges to your security & compliance requirements. Gain a deeper insight into sharing behaviours and permissions.

Use Evidence to Manage Content

When it comes to document management and content strategy, get the evidence to make well informed decisions. 

TELLEC Doc's screens the metadata of your content. It groups all the information in an interactive dashboard. You can alter parameters to see how it impacts your storage needs. For example, you can see how your storage will look if you archive all content that is more than 5 years old. Or, see what happens to storage if an outdated file type is set to archive.

This is interesting. The information that TELLEC Docs provides will catch the eye of IT managers and decision makers, as well as department heads and even end-users. The decision makers will love seeing how the information can influence strategy. It might be news to the managers that there are risky sharing links active. The end-user may benefit from training to ensure they're following best practice for OneDrive use.

Whilst TELLEC Docs is not a security audit tool, it can assist in bringing your attention to security issues. It may be that your organisation has lost sight of active external sharing links, and TELLEC Docs can show you what links are active on the platform. TELLEC Docs can also highlight internal sharing and access issues across your environment.

The TELLEC Docs Dashboard

TELLEC Docs reviews the metadata in SharePoint, Teams and OneDrive, then bundles it nicely into this dashboard. And remember, that it is an interactive dashboard, so you can export data, filter and sort based on your needs

High Value Data for a Low Cost

TELLEC Docs will show you endless angles of your Microsoft collaboration environment at an affordable price. 

Pricing Model

The licensing is incredible value at a per user, per month model. Access to value rich information starts as little as AUD 50 cents per user per month. And only a 2 month minimum subscription.

The Value Goes Beyond Tellec - Docs

With the information the TELLEC Docs provides, you can make informed decisions to save of storage costs. You can also use the analytics to improve collaboration behaviours and security practices.

What Do TELLEC Docs subscribers Say?

TELLEC Docs is quickly becoming the most loved Microsoft 365 auditing tool around. Oversight of your platform has never been seen like this before. 


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