
Review, manage and plan storage using TELLEC Docs.

Get The Real Picture of Storage

With the ease of creating and saving documents and files, storage quickly becomes an important factor for your content management strategy. Rather than adding to your storage bill, take a proactive approach using TELLEC Docs.

see storage across SharePoint, Teams & Onedrive

Break down the storage withing Microsoft 365 with TELLEC Docs. You can see how much storage is used in each platform. And what content types and size are using the storage.

see storage history and habits

TELLEC Docs will allow you to view storage history and growth patterns. Understanding this will allow you to align storage needs for your evolving organisation.

see storage by user

Understanding individual storage behaviours and requirements will allow you to plan, allocate and educate. With TELLEC Docs you can quickly generate storage data relating to each user.

SEE storage plans come to life

See into the future with TELLEC Docs! The interactive dashboard allows you to adjust parameters to model future storage changes. TELLEC Docs will model the storage changes if you were to archive from a selected date, file type, user or department.

Get Ahead of Storage.

Stop funding unnecessary storage. TELLEC Docs equips you with the tools to make data-driven choices, ensuring you easily manage your storage needs. Use the evidence from TELLEC Docs to manage technology budgets, and be confident that you provide sufficient and managed storage for the entire organisation. With better storage management, your Microsoft 365 investment will work harder for you. 


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