
Get visibility into the content landscape across SharePoint, Teams & OneDrive.

True Insights into Microsoft 365 Content

Most organisations are struggling with content sprawl. And the longer you leave it, the bigger it gets. Using TELLEC Docs, you can assess the content from every angle to easily make decisions to fix the document mess. 

See content Across to ecosystem

Get a true picture of content within SharePoint, Teams & OneDrive. TELLEC Docs will break down all the information about what is where in Microsoft 365.

see end-user content behaviour

With TELLEC Docs you can identify content creation patterns and user activity hotspots. And find those dormant sites and Teams that are ready for archiving.

See growth beyond size

Understanding growth of content is more that just numbers. TELLEC Docs will equip you with the intelligence to govern and plan your Microsoft 365 environment.

See Files by Type

TELLEC Docs will effortlessly allow you to track content by the document type, size, creator, department, date, and collaboration activity. With this valuable information, you can quickly archive material and target education for content creators.

Control Content Sprawl

With TELLEC Docs, you’ll know the true picture of your content. You will see what is where and how it is being used. Discover where the most activity is on the Microsoft 365 platform to streamline process and target education.


Understand where people are creating, updating and how they are sharing content across the M365 collaboration tools. Know who is dominating your storage and who is stuck in OneDrive.


View and navigate the data by department to see what area are the biggest creators of content. Understand who uses best practice for their document management to uncover your M365 champions.

Content is King!

Don’t settle for limited visibility. Embrace the power of TELLEC Docs and take control of your content landscape. Experience the confidence that comes with comprehensive data-driven insights to farewell the document mess. Get started today to regain control of content in Microsoft 365.


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